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Read Keep Me (2000)

Keep Me (2000)

Online Book

4.3 of 5 Votes: 1
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Keep Me (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

Had to pick this up straight after I finished the first book, and guess what... another novel completed in one sitting. Although the action was probably...40% of the time it was intriguing. The torture that he underwent left me baffled and rolling around in agony because it was just so vivid in my mind. BUT! i loved it. It just gave me a taste of something new, anything with action is already a love on my list :) This is the style of writing and plot driven story that I look for and love. A meaningful story line that has HAWT erotic content and chemistry between the central characters. I don't know why I waited so long to read it and it's only because of a reading challenge pick by Angela W. that I finally did. Can't thank her enough as I totally ate this sucker up in one shot. My one big time issue is that I finished and the HEA ending is complete.... or is it? :D This author has been put on auto-buy status for me.

What do You think about Keep Me (2000)?

I enjoyed this book even though it was dark. Can't wait till the next one is released.

Loved It.Looking forward to book 3 in 2015

Cant wait for the last one!

3 1/2

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