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Read Dawn's Desire (2012)

Dawn's Desire (2012)

Online Book

4.14 of 5 Votes: 6
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1466807458 (ISBN13: 9781466807457)
St. Martin's Press

Dawn's Desire (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

My favorite so far, more action than the others. This one is about Jane & Banan. Banan, Guy, and Rhys have gone back to London with Elena to try to find out who at PureGems sent her & Sloan to Draegan. They suspect Elena & Jane's boss Richard, but quickly realize that someone else is calling the shots. As Banan falls for Jane, Elena then Jane are kidnapped. Banan & Rhys change into their dragon forms and rescue Jane. None of them see the guy who took her, and he escapes. When Banan & Jane go back to Scotland to find her half sister, the mystery man is watching them.This book picks up where book 2 leaves off. Moves quickly, but is way too short. Really want to see who the mystery man is. A few wording/editing issues, but good story and characters. OK, So after reading intently for time frames that caused me missed sleep and meals (couldn't put it down) Here goes...This book starts off exactly where the last one left off. (Which is a good thing to me because then I don't feel like I missed anything. Jane is a simple plain girl that feels nobody notices her until.... Banan. OK, so some parts of the story are corny as some have mentioned... But I am that girl that went unnoticed and still does... It was nice to find a story about a sexy librarian type plain simple girl that found her Mr. right... The scenes in this book were same as the first two... Very descriptive and enthralling. Donna has a way to where when you are reading these stories, it is not simple titillation. There is passion read and felt. I liked that it wasn't exactly easy as pie to get the girl this time. It wasn't exactly an enormous challenge, but it wasn't a walk in the park. I will continue to re-read this series and impatiently await the 2014 release of the next Dragon King book.

What do You think about Dawn's Desire (2012)?

I felt the story was a bit rushed but no less intriguing. Cant wait for the story to continue.

Amusing little Sci-fi romance. Simple read but enjoyable.

I hope Donna Grant continues this series.

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