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Read Deadly Hunter (2013)

Deadly Hunter (2013)

Online Book

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Deadly Hunter (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

It covered a much larger area, making it more difficult to focus in on the small area they’d be searching. Jerrod, Allison noticed, didn’t seem to have any trouble making sense of it, though. It was as if he had reading maps in his blood. More of his training and experience, she supposed.
    “What I’m going to suggest,” he said after studying it for a few minutes, “is that you use a grid pattern.”
    “Partly because it’ll work better on this terrain, and partly because I want to fan out and circle around you.”
    “Again, partly. But also I’ll see the areas you’re not likely to. Does that radio of yours have GPS on it?”
    “The sheriff said it does.”
    “Good. I’ve got my own GPS gear.”
    “Will it work in the mountains?”
    He arched a brow at her.

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