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Read Deltora Quest #1: The Forests Of Silence

Deltora Quest #1: The Forests of Silence

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Scholastic Books

Deltora Quest #1: The Forests Of Silence - Plot & Excerpts

She was about his own age, elfin-faced, with black hair, slanting black brows, and green eyes. She was dressed in ragged grey clothes that seemed strangely familiar. She was bending over him, unfastening the ties of his cloak.
“Thank heavens you have come!” he whispered.
“This will be useful, Filli,” the girl said.
With a shock, Lief realized that she was not speaking to him, but to a small, furry, wide-eyed creature that was clinging to her shoulder.
“How lucky that we came this way today,” she went on. “If we had left it until tomorrow the cloth would have been quite spoiled.”
With a single push of her slim, sun-browned arm, she rolled Lief onto his side so that she could pull the cloak from beneath him. Then she let him roll back and stood up, the cloak draped carelessly over her arm.
A harsh cry came from overhead. Lief raised his eyes and saw a black bird, a raven, perched in the tree from which the girl had leapt. Its head on one side, it was watching them carefully with one sharp yellow eye.

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