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Read Diario De Nikki 2. Cuando No Eres Precisamente La Reina De La Fiesta (2011)

Diario de Nikki 2. Cuando no eres precisamente la reina de la fiesta (2011)

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Diario De Nikki 2. Cuando No Eres Precisamente La Reina De La Fiesta (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

This book was hilarious. I loved Nikki a lot in this book. Her quest through middle school is getting worse and better in cases. From Chloe and Zoey, the school's biggest dorks along with Nikki and being her best friends. They understand each other, and know what friendship means. But now things have gotten much worse. Mackenzie Hollister, who is most popular girl in Westchester middle school has invited the entire Halloween Dance Committee for her birthday party. Nikki is thrilled, but also is horrified that Mackenzie and her friend Jessica has ruined her new $150 dollar dress, bought especially for the party. She also has about 2 more things to do at the same exact time as the dance. Will Nikki make it? Read this book to find out more. I would recommend this book for 9 to 12 year olds. I loved this book and was totally absorbed in it. Lovely book, Rachel! This month I read the book ___Dork Diaries____.This book is about a girl named Niki Maxwell who is hoping a cute guy Brandon Roberts will ask her to the dance. But, MacKenzie Hollister is the most popular and most meanest girl ever and happens to know about Nikki's crush and teases her by telling Niki she's going with Brandon to the Halloween dance, but once they get to the dance it becomes twisted! Read and find out what happens! I liked this book. It was funny and there were parts in the book I could relate too. I give this book a grade F for funny!

What do You think about Diario De Nikki 2. Cuando No Eres Precisamente La Reina De La Fiesta (2011)?

Este volume mais o primeiro terão uma opinião conjunta super-especial em breve. :)

I think this book will be a good book because I like all of the dork diaries books.

read this to my little sister for yearathon

love it

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