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Read Diario De Nikki # 4 (2012)

Diario de Nikki # 4 (2012)

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8427203217 (ISBN13: 9788427203211)

Diario De Nikki # 4 (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

I think that this book was very interesting. It is about a middle school girl who's school decided that their students (if they wanted to) would skate for charity. So, Nikki finds out that her crush, Brandon's grandparents need money for their animal shelter. So Nikki decides that her and her two best friends, Chloe and Zoe, would try out for the show. The problem is- Nikki doesn't know how to skate at all. And her enemy, a super-popular, pretty, mean girl called Mackenzie, wants to skate for brandon too. She also has a crush on Brandon, and her family is rich. My favorite character is Nikki, because she is brave and talented at drawing, and she really wants to help Brandon out. My least favorite character is Mackenzie, because in all of the books in the series, she almost never plays fair, and embarrases Nikki most of the time just to get her way.My least favorite part was when the show was about to start, Mackenzie tricked Nikki, Chloe and Zoe into going into an old storage room, and locked them in. My favorite part was after Nikki, Chloe and Zoe got locked inside the storage room.They realised that Chloe's phone had 2% left. So they tried calling Nikki's mobile since Brianna was playing games on it outside. The phone picked up and Brianna was very happy and exited. When she mentioned Brandon walking by, they all yelled into the phone to give the phone to Brandon. When Brandon got the phone, they all told him where to find them. But in the middle of a sentence, the phone turned off. They waited, and when they lost hope, Brandon came and opened the door.The best part was when the show for Nikki and her friends were about to start, they didn't have time to find their costumes. In the storage room, there were 3 clown costumes.... So when they all went onto the stage, Nikki slipped and fell. But everyone laughed-because they were in clown costumes! So for the rest of the show, they were purposely slipping and making everyone laugh. I think the book was great!!!!Nikki had to go through all that work just to help her secret crush brandon not to move away to Orlando,Florida.But secretly Nikki knows the owners of the store "Fuzzy Friends" an animal shelter Brandon volunteers at is his grandparents Betty and Phil.Nikki knows she is a horrible skater to join the holiday on ice charity fundraiser but she'd do anything it takes to not let Brandon move.One of my favorite parts is when they couldn't find their skating uniforms and had to dress like clowns.Meanwhile Nikki's arch enemie MACKENZIE is up to something to let them lose the show because the famous ice skating judge Victoria Steel is very strict.In the end Nikki wins but did she learn how to skate?How did she manage to get past Victoria?Find out the adventures Nikki goes through to help Brandon in Dork Diaries Skating Sensation.If you liked this book read other books by the author "Rachel Renee Russel"

What do You think about Diario De Nikki # 4 (2012)?

Okay, so this series don't pass the politically correct test. But it was fun anyway.

Really good book these books just keep getting better and better

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