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Read Diario De Nikki: Crónicas De Una Vida Muy Poco Glamorosa (2009)

Diario De Nikki: Crónicas de una vida muy poco glamorosa (2009)

Online Book

3.53 of 5 Votes: 7
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8427200846 (ISBN13: 9788427200845)
Molino / Océano Travesía

Diario De Nikki: Crónicas De Una Vida Muy Poco Glamorosa (2009) - Plot & Excerpts

This book was over the top, but I get what it's doing. It's cashing in on the melodrama, which is fine by me since I'm not it's target demographic. I read this to basically be more informed about the children's section of the bookstore where I work part-time. I don't know how I'd feel about my own chid reading this though. Nikki isn't exactly my envisionment of "girl power." Where are the Buffys of the world for the 8-13 year old girls? It gave some laughs so it got a three, but it's nothing life altering in the world of children's novels. Nikki got a scholarship to a private school called WCD because her dad is the school's exterminator. When she comes to the school, she meets a girl named Mackenzie and they DON'T get along. While Mackenzie tries to embarrass Nikki, Nikki finds two good friends named Chloe and Zoey. Later, Nikki decides to enter an art competition but it turns out that she is against Mackenzie. Will Nikki win or lose? I would recommend this book to anyone who likes funny and silly books. This is an easy and good read for kids. This book is also a short read because there are a lot of pictures. It is very fun to see Nikki's point of view in this book. I enjoyed reading this!

What do You think about Diario De Nikki: Crónicas De Una Vida Muy Poco Glamorosa (2009)?

i want to read but its not letting me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Great book, though the second one was nicer(funnier).

It was pretty good.


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