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Read Doing It Over (A Most Likely To Novel Book 1)

Doing It Over (A Most Likely to Novel Book 1)

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Montlake Romance

Doing It Over (A Most Likely To Novel Book 1) - Plot & Excerpts

strangle her . . . scold her . . . love her to death.
    Good night, parenting was a bipolar disorder.
    Melanie knelt down to her daughter’s level and clasped her face between her palms. “Don’t ever do that again. You hear me?”
    “No buts, Hope! What you did was dangerous and you could have gotten really hurt.”
    Melanie let her hands slip to her daughter’s shoulders and tighten. “Never again!” she yelled.
    Hope’s big eyes started to moisten and her bottom lip started to tremble. Melanie wanted to comfort her but didn’t want her point to be lost.
    “Hey, Hope.” Miss Gina placed a hand over Melanie’s. “Why don’t we go inside and make some lemonade?”
    Hope nodded and took Miss Gina’s hand.
    Melanie watched her daughter walk out of sight before the adrenaline of the moment dumped into her system all at once.

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