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Read Dork Diaries 2: Tales From A Not-So-Popular Party Girl (2010)

Dork Diaries 2: Tales from a Not-So-Popular Party Girl (2010)

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1416980083 (ISBN13: 9781416980087)

Dork Diaries 2: Tales From A Not-So-Popular Party Girl (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

my book dork diaries #2 was totally cool. like all of the other books that I have read this book is like them it's about a girl named Nikki and how she is totally in love with the boy named Brandon. in my opinion she is totally crazy because she is doing all these crazy things to try to tell him but then she just like gets too shy when she's going to do it and she just doesn't do it so technically it was just a total waste of time! I would totally recommend this book to girls any girls really because it's like really cool and it just makes you really excited when you're reading it. I would not recommend it to boys because it talks about girl stuff and the boys they would just get bored out and they would not like the book so yeah I would recommend it to girls and girls only ! The ending of this book was pretty cool because it was entertaining and it was totally about how girls think and I also liked it because it kinda gave me a sneak peek of what the next book was going to be about and I really like that because I really want to know cause I'm excited to read the next one. so this is my critique about dork diaries number two and I told you that it is an awesome book I love it if you're bored you could just pull it out it and read it because it would make you not bored anymore. so please , girls try it out ... its a great book. Nikki is hoping her crush, Brandon, will ask her to the Halloween dance. But when she overhears her nemesis, MacKenzie, bragging that she and Brandon are going to the dance together. Nikki agrees to serve on the dance clean-up committee with her best friends, Chloe and Zoey, as well as help out at a ballet class Halloween party for her little sister, Brianna. Nikki is shocked when Brandon asks her to the dance and realizes that MacKenzie was lying. Nikki agrees to go with him and ends up spending the evening having to handle three events at the same time.

What do You think about Dork Diaries 2: Tales From A Not-So-Popular Party Girl (2010)?

It's a nice,humorous,romantic book by my favorite author.

Loved this second book very fun

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Book #7 Dork Diaries #2

love this book!!!!

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