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Read Dork Diaries: Tales From A Not-So-Fabulous Life (2009)

Dork Diaries: Tales from a Not-So-Fabulous Life (2009)

Online Book

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1416980067 (ISBN13: 9781416980063)

Dork Diaries: Tales From A Not-So-Fabulous Life (2009) - Plot & Excerpts

Nikki isn't a very likable character. Yes, she has a sense of humor, and apparently has a talent for drawing, but other then that, there's not much to her. She is very shallow, and spends WAY too much time worrying about the popular girls and her crush, Brandon. Nikki's two best friends are honestly more likable then she is. Nikki also has no respect for pretty much anybody. She calls her mom brain-dead on the first page of the book. She's rude to her little sister. And she doesn't treat her dad much better. It is also confusing about exactly when she is writing this. It sounds like she's walking around the school describing things and writing down conversations on some pages, and on other pages it sounds like she's looking back on the day. I would not recommend this book. Have you ever had a bad day when the people you hate have something really mean to say and you have say a lie. We'll Dork diaries is a girl who is the none popular girl and try's to fit in. She wirtes her life in her diary she has a wonderful Family and a little sister that is afraid of the tooth fairy and she parks her sister all the time. The thing that like about this book is that she is trying to say nobody's perfect and you should't judge anybody by there cover. If you are a fun drama person then you would like this book.

What do You think about Dork Diaries: Tales From A Not-So-Fabulous Life (2009)?

i think its a good book and throgh the book series it shows her becoming more confident

berhubung lagi nginep bareng abege, jadi ya pinjem bacaaannya bocah abege. :))

quite entertaining, very young

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