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Read Down The Aisle

Down the Aisle

Online Book

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Down The Aisle - Plot & Excerpts

Lacey groaned, fanning her face as she leaned out the window two hours later. “That was something, right?”
    Galen kept his eyes on the road and nodded. “Yeah, it was something all right.”
    “I mean with Court and Rafe. What was up with that? There were sparks flying like crazy. I just don’t know if they were the good kind or the bad kind.”
    “I think they were a little of both.” It had been a fun night, in spite of the tension between their two friends, but things with him and Lacey had been tense since this last round of fertility drugs had failed, and more than anything they needed some time together to bridge the gap that had been forming between them. Now, his wife-to-be was buzzed and amped, and he couldn’t wait to get her home.
    “I was so shocked to hear about Rafe and his…preferences. Crazy, right?”
    Galen shook his head and took one hand off the wheel to lace his fingers with hers.

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