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Read Guardian For Hire (2014)

Guardian For Hire (2014)

Online Book

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1622663306 (ISBN13: 9781622663309)
Entangled: Indulgence

Guardian For Hire (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Dr Sarabeth finds herself next in line to a murderer targeting everyone from her former workplace. Not knowing what to do, she still doesn´t want to go with the man at her door, claiming to be there to help. Gavin only said yes to this assignment as a favour to his friend, to help his girlfriends friend with keeping her safe. As ex-Army Ranger, he´s used to reluctant clients, but Sarabeth seems to be on the tougher side.Smutty fluff, action, suspense and an Alpha Male pointing with the whole of his hand =) Dr. Sarabeth Lucking has a problem. She's semi-involved in a scandal, and people around her are dying. When her friends, Owen and Lindy send protection, she can't help but be attracted to Gavin. And Gavin likes her too.. one thing leads to another, and you know the story.If you are looking for surprises and big plot twists, this probably isn't the story. But if you are looking for a sweet, adult love story between two people that at face value don't have a lot in common, this is a good choice.Guardian for Hire is well-written, kept my interest from start to finish and I just really enjoyed reading this. If you are looking for a light read with some action, and a nice amount of heat, I'd recommend this title.

What do You think about Guardian For Hire (2014)?

I really enjoyed this book! I love security/suspense/romance and this one delivered!

3.5 stars - review to come



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