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Christine Bell books

Christine  Bell
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Read Books by Christine Bell


Corps à corps (2013)

4 Friends to Lovers with Hot Encounters * * * *Woot Woot- a fun, sexy, long-time friends to lovers tale. Perfect set up with newly married bride discovering her just married groom doing the nasty with her bridesmaid in the cloak closet at her reception! Yup... and the guy tries to make out it isn...

Corps à corps (2013) by Christine  Bell

Down for the Count (2012)

Deci,nu toate cartile care se gasesc gratis sunt neaparat bine scrise,dar in cazul de fata ,Down for the Count,a fost o surpriza placuta.Mi-a placut chiar foarte mult !Ceea ce trebiua sa fie pentru Lacey Garrity o noapte de neitat se transforma intr-un adevarat cosmar,atunci cand i-si gaseste pro...

Down for the Count (2012) by Christine  Bell

Hors de combat (2013)

Loved the first book (Down for the Count). This book is centered on Cat, a secondary character from book 1. I liked her in that book, but found her extremely annoying in this one. Cat has had a crush on her brother's BFF forever and he stopped a night together a long time ago because he felt it w...

Hors de combat (2013) by Christine  Bell

Wife for Hire (2012)

Readers, you should likely proceed with caution, as this book is hazardous to your e-reader. Why, you ask? Simple, I dropped mine—twice—because I was laughing so hard. The second time may or may not have also involved gasping for breath and tears rolling down my face. Consider yourself warned...

Wife for Hire (2012) by Christine  Bell

Dirty Trick (2013)

This was actually a very cute and erotic short story using the Friends to Lovers trope of romance novels. What made this one unique was that it centered around Halloween as the prime time to have the hero attempt to move the relationship from friendship to romance. I was pleasantly surprised to...

Dirty Trick (2013) by Christine  Bell

Mariage à durée déterminée (2013)

Felt like so,etching was missing but I still enjoyed it. Des idées intéressantes mais je n'ai pas été convaincue par les personnages !

Mariage à durée déterminée (2013) by Christine  Bell

Kiralık Eş (2000)

such a cute and lovely short story. 3, 5 LOL! This girl here is a cracker!

Kiralık Eş (2000) by Christine  Bell

Guardian For Hire (2014)

Dr Sarabeth finds herself next in line to a murderer targeting everyone from her former workplace. Not knowing what to do, she still doesn´t want to go with the man at her door, claiming to be there to help. Gavin only said yes to this assignment as a favour to his friend, to help his girlfriends...

Guardian For Hire (2014) by Christine  Bell

Down the Aisle

Lacey groaned, fanning her face as she leaned out the window two hours later. “That was something, right?”     Galen kept his eyes on the road and nodded. “Yeah, it was something all right.”     “I mean with Court and Rafe. What was up with that? There were...

Down the Aisle by Christine  Bell

The Family Jewels

She'd stopped off and grabbed a spring patterned silk scarf, and had to hope that it didn't draw too much attention to her neck. She was already going to be on shaky ground trying to explain how she'd managed to get Dominic in custody.     She slid the key in the lock and anno...

The Family Jewels by Christine  Bell

Fix You: Bash and Olivia

Marco said with a shrug of his beefy shoulders. “It’s a no-brainer, kid. His family’s got cash out the wazoo and can cause me a shit-ton of problems. This bar only exists because of the students at Crestville. I’m really sorry.”That made two of us. I squeezed my eyes closed with a nod and moved t...

Fix You: Bash and Olivia by Christine  Bell

Score (Skin in the Game Book 1)

I’d gone to a frat party and had kissed Callum Samskevitch, right on the mouth.     And then the asshole had made some cocky remark about my knees being weak.     As if.     But as I climbed the stairs to the main floor where the DJ was ...

Score (Skin in the Game Book 1) by Christine  Bell

Fix You: Bash and Olivia, Book 3

I hadn’t seen or heard from Liv since the morning she’d walked out my door.     “You going out tonight?” Reid asked, taking two quick jabs at his own face in the floor-length mirror.     “Stop doing that,” Matty said, barely looking up from behind the desk ...

Fix You: Bash and Olivia, Book 3 by Christine  Bell

Down and Dirty

Shane’s arm tightened around her waist, and he dragged her closer, molding her back to his front. They hadn’t left each other’s arms for the past five hours except to wash up, and in spite of her professed fondness for sleeping alone, she’d never felt happier. A few orgasms, a warm man in her bed...

Down and Dirty by Christine  Bell

Twisted Tale of Stormy Gale

I lifted my face to his and tried to figure out what the hell to do. How do you continue to lie to someone who has shown you such kindness? Yet my allegiance had always been, had to be with Gilly, and I promised him that I would never tell. There were so many questions I needed answered, too. How...

Twisted Tale of Stormy Gale by Christine  Bell

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