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Read Downtown Devil: Book 2 In Series (Sins In The City)

Downtown Devil: Book 2 in series (Sins in the City)

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Little, Brown Book Group

Downtown Devil: Book 2 In Series (Sins In The City) - Plot & Excerpts

Clare was pumping lettuce in the salad spinner and her phone lit up on the counter beside it. When the name appeared, she let go of the spinner, and centrifugal force sent it careening off the edge to burst open on the tile.
    “Ah, fuck.” She accepted the call. “Hello?”
    “Hey, it’s Mica.”
    “Hey. How are you?” She hoped she sounded cool. Casual, even as she eyed the romaine leaves strewn across the floor.
    “Good. You?”
    “Fine.” She hazarded a tease. “What’s up, pervert? Calling for more badly timed phone sex?”
    “Better than that. You free tonight?”
    Tonight? Always tonight, with this man. Would it kill him to give a girl a day to prepare?
    Would that ever stop me from coming when he calls? Okay, fine. The boy didn’t give notice because he didn’t need to.
    “I could be, if you give me an hour or two.

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