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Read Backwoods (2010)

Backwoods (2010)

Online Book

2.84 of 5 Votes: 3
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Ellora's Cave

Backwoods (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

W-w-woooowwww! This was Uber-hot, but so much more! This author's tag-line is "smart erotica" & that description couldn't be more apt. The two MC's are a couple of interesting guys, but especially itinerant musician Gabriel, who is a fascinating cipher that goes well beyond his exotic, sex-on-legs charisma. The sexual stuff in this is intense, but there is so much going on in these guy's heads beyond sex. Angst & uncertainty, fear, denial, distrust, obsession. Softer emotions hovering beneath the surface that don't dare be expressed. And there's a whole dominance/submission thing happening, but not your traditional D/s scenario. This is the first of a trilogy, the story continues in Shivaree. This book is short, 7 chapters, and believe me, it will keep your interest all the way thru! What a hot dirty little story!Read this one on a whim last night and surprisingly enjoyed it. Yes it is heavy on the sex but the story was still there. I loved the fucked up dynamic between the two leads, Shane and Gabriel. They remind me a little of Danny & Paul from the Eden series. Next novella is a menage(MMF). I'm not happy about that as I tend to dislike menage stories but I'm curious to see what happens with Shane and Gabriel next.

What do You think about Backwoods (2010)?

Hottest m/m I've ever read. Seriously Cara is my no.1 erotic writer.

meh. 2.5 stars - short, semi-complete story.

Yummy, dirty fun.

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