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Read Coercion (2012)

Coercion (2012)

Online Book

2.45 of 5 Votes: 2
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Ellora's Cave

Coercion (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

I know everyone and their grandmother seems to enjoy Cara McKenna's books except yours truly. First of all the story is written in the present tense (which I hate and rarely tolerate), secondly the author's voice comes over as very dark and sinister, supposedly full of eroticism and secrets, but frankly only got on my nerves. As this was an EC freebie I decided to discontinue because one of my New Year's resolution is to only finish books I really enjoy. DNF Since I read the first two books in the Curio series together, I'm reviewing them together. This plotline has a kind of sentimental precision. This ability to turn a few nights of seduction into a psychological case study is an exceptional gift, and CM gets full mileage out of it by offering it in stingy portions across six short overpriced novellas. Accumulated, this average length story will cost you $18.99 USD today. Feels like a bait and sucker-punch kind of move. But if you can disregard the financial toll, this is one of those stories with characters you care about intensely. You won't simply observe them through words, you will get involved in their decisions and hope they make the right ones. The revelation about Didier at the end of book 1 makes it worth reading alone without book 2. COERCION doesn't add anything to story, rather it drags it out. So, while you might enjoy the truthful, compassionate nature of this series, it's difficult to care enough about the story to continue, knowing how much it will cost you to do so.

What do You think about Coercion (2012)?

Definitely a steamy read!! I want to know what happens with them.

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