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Read Ready And Willing (2010)

Ready and Willing (2010)

Online Book

3.24 of 5 Votes: 2
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Loose Id, LLC

Ready And Willing (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

2 1/2 stars. This story was always going to start off in a clinical way but it felt rushed and forced in a lot of places. I guess this is because Abby is essentially having sex with two strangers. Her interactions with Rob made me feel a bit queasy actually so it goes to show I need a bit more intimacy than what she had with him. Noah was better and as well I expect he was supposed to be. Overall I was pleased with how things worked out for Abby. You have probably come across this storyline before - girl wants baby and girl advertises and interviews prospective donor's?Normally I have no problem giving Cara McKenna 4/5 stars for her writing, characters and plot but for me this story fell on its face.just thought the storyline was not comfortable, the "willing victim" was crass and insensitive at times and the whole getting impregnated process was like listening to something off a porn setting - so for me this was not a great read or story - I have read better from Cara McKenna.

What do You think about Ready And Willing (2010)?

1.5, but I'm rounding up to 2 because of Noah and because of the author.

Another thoughtful and excellent read from this author

A bit odd but cute and sexy.

3.5 stars. Sexy and funny.

Sexy, light, and fun.

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