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Read Shivaree (2010)

Shivaree (2010)

Online Book

3.74 of 5 Votes: 2
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1419926810 (ISBN13: 9781419926815)
Ellora's Cave

Shivaree (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

If you'd skipped "Backwoods" and just read "Shivaree," you'd be missing out on Shane and Gabriel's back story. But "Shivaree" works OK by itself.Natalie stumbles across Shivaree after trying to find help when her truck is disabled. When she walks into the bar, the first thing she sees is Gabriel playing and singing, and she's entranced. He introduces her to Shane, and lets her know that they're lovers, but telling her "...He don' own me." Natalie is intrigued by their arrangement, and lets herself be drawn into their fraught relationship, as well as have insanely hot sex with them before she leaves them to continues her journey home. Natalie is stark reminder to Shane about his sexuality. He's very attracted to her, but he also remains deeply in lust with Gabriel, and Shane's confused and confounded about what to do.I found Natalie rather distant -- but after all she's only with the guys for a couple of days. While she's affectionate and caring with them, she seems to deliberately keep herself from getting more deeply involved. It seems like she's there to present Shane with a deliberate choice -- will he choose the conventional path and stay 'straight' or will he follow his feelings for Gabriel?Stay tuned, and read "Getaway" to find out! This one star rating probably isn't fair, but this book wasn't for me. It just wasn't. On a character level, I couldn't care about the characters. On a sex level, I couldn't care about the sex. You would think that the setting, being placed in rural Louisiana, not far from where I live would help things out, but it didn't either. Everything just wound up wrong for me and that's not the fault of the author (who I have enjoyed other things by and seems quite good) or the erotica genre (which is hit or miss for me) necessarily; it just is.

What do You think about Shivaree (2010)?

Short and sexy. Leaves you wanting more, which is ok...because there's a second book!

Four and a half stars for sure.WOW, I am loving these books!

wow wow wow Natalie is a very very bad girl

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