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Read Curio (2011)

Curio (2011)

Online Book

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1419936751 (ISBN13: 9781419936753)
Ellora's Cave

Curio (2011) - Plot & Excerpts

This is a second time read through for me because I want to read the subsequently written Vignettes and I couldn't really recall what happened in this original story. I believe I have actually enjoyed it more, it certainly brought a smile to my face. Wonderfully romantic, burgeoning love and complicated, slightly broken people. I am very much looking forward to more on the story of Caroly and Didier. An enjoyable, quick and erotic read. Caroly (silly name) is an American in Paris, working as a curator. She is almost thirty and a virgin, saving herself for a man who's both easy on the eye AND knows what he's doing. Step forward Didier Pedra - dark and brooding French hunk, who is a model cum prostitute. If anyone has a sexy trick or two up his sleeve, it's Didier! He sounded delicious, like warm, melted chocolate. The love scenes were very hot, sexy and descriptive. We learn a lot about both characters through Caroly's visits. The ending was quite sweet, and I will definitely visit the Curio spin off books in the near future. The only downside to this book was the thirty year old virgin thing. Did she really need to be a virgin? I found this a bit ridiculous, and felt there could have been a better excuse for her needing a prostitute. But, I really liked this nonetheless! Another little gem from Cara McKenna.

What do You think about Curio (2011)?

Nice little surprise read. A voyage of discovery for both characters.

Epitomizes the phrase "short and sweet." Loved this novella!

This series is really, really, really lovely.

loved it

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