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Read Dragon Fever: A Dark Kings Novella

Dragon Fever: A Dark Kings Novella

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Evil Eye Concepts, Incorporated

Dragon Fever: A Dark Kings Novella - Plot & Excerpts

Like Rae, he didn’t want their night together to end. As powerful as he was as an immortal, he couldn’t stop time. He was just reaching for her when there was a knock on his door. He jumped up, glancing at the clock to see it was the time he’d told Ms. Engel to meet him for breakfast. He grabbed the robe and hurried to belt it on as he walked to the door. When he opened it, there was Ms. Engel with a hotel employee behind her with a cart full of food.“Did I wake you, sir?” she asked.“Nay.” He moved aside so they could enter. While Ms. Engel watched over the employee laying out the food on the breakfast table, Asher returned to his bedroom. The door was half-closed. He peeked around it and saw Rae already dressed and putting on her shoes.“I forgot I had a breakfast meeting,” he told her.She looked up and smiled. “I hadn’t intended to stay the night.”“I’m glad you did.” Her deep brown eyes watched him for a moment before she ran a hand through her black hair and stood.

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