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Read Fix You: Bash And Olivia, Book 3

Fix You: Bash and Olivia, Book 3

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Fix You: Bash And Olivia, Book 3 - Plot & Excerpts

I hadn’t seen or heard from Liv since the morning she’d walked out my door.
    “You going out tonight?” Reid asked, taking two quick jabs at his own face in the floor-length mirror.
    “Stop doing that,” Matty said, barely looking up from behind the desk where he sat reading the sports section of the newspaper. “You’re a terrible boxer. Stick to what you know.”
    “What I know is, if I took a year out to practice, I could kick both of y’all’s asses in the boxing ring if push came to shove. But the ladies prefer martial arts, so I’m going to stick with that.”
    Matty snorted and the light in Reid’s dark eyes paired with that cocksure smile almost made me smile back at him, which was clearly the goal.
    And then I remembered everything still sucked, and Liv was never coming back to me. I punched the heavy bag with all my might, wincing when the force of the blow sent a stinger up my arm.

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