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Read For The Sake Of Their Son (2013)

For the Sake of Their Son (2013)

Online Book

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For The Sake Of Their Son (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

First at the hands of his heavy-fisted father. Later as a Formula One race car driver who used his world travels to feed information to Interpol.
    But he’d never expected to be kidnapped. Especially not in the middle of his best friend’s bachelor party.
    Mad as hell, Elliot struggled back to consciousness, only to realize his wrists were cuffed. Numb. He struggled against the restraints while trying to get his bearings, but his brain was still disoriented. Last he remembered, he’d been in Atlanta, Georgia, at a bachelor party and now he was cuffed and blindfolded, for God’s sake. What the hell? He only knew that he was in the back of a vehicle that smelled of leather and luxury. Noise offered him little to go on. Just the purr of a finely tuned engine. The pop of an opening soda can. A low hum of music so faint it must be on a headset.
    “He’s awake,” a deep voice whispered softly, too softly to be identified.

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