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Read Forced: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (The Blackthorn Brothers Book 1)

Forced: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (The Blackthorn Brothers Book 1)

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Forced: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance (The Blackthorn Brothers Book 1) - Plot & Excerpts

But as my mother slipped into her seat in front of the small crowd that we had gathered, she caught my gaze and gave me a nod and a reassuring smile. I finally let go of the breath I’d been holding—and then my brother, Slater, filled the garden space with the delicate sounds of his guitar as he played Pachelbel’s Canon.
    Lizzie came into view, down the garden path, and though she looked lovely in a pretty gown of smoky lilac, my gaze immediately fell on Wren, her arm linked with her father’s.
    And I swore, I’d never in my whole life seen anyone look more beautiful. She stole my very breath and sent my heart soaring. Her hair was loosely pulled back and adorned with a delicate silver headpiece, while stray locks were left to frame her face. And her dress…it suited her perfectly, bohemian and ethereal. Even Sammie was there, trotting by Wren’s side with a lilac bow around her collar.
    Wren kissed her father’s cheek, and handed her flowers and the leash to Lizzie, before turning to face me as I stepped forward to take her hand in mine, feeling it tremble just a little.

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