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Read Down For The Count (2012)

Down for the Count (2012)

Online Book

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Entangled Publishing (Brazen)

Down For The Count (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Deci,nu toate cartile care se gasesc gratis sunt neaparat bine scrise,dar in cazul de fata ,Down for the Count,a fost o surpriza placuta.Mi-a placut chiar foarte mult !Ceea ce trebiua sa fie pentru Lacey Garrity o noapte de neitat se transforma intr-un adevarat cosmar,atunci cand i-si gaseste proaspatul sot cu o alta femeie.Dezamagita si umilita ,fuge de la petrecerea propriei nunti, ajutata de prietena ei cea mai buna, Cat si de fratele acesteia.Galen Thomas este prima ei iubire,mai mare cu trei ani de zile si de cand se stie Lacey are o pasiune secreta pentru el.In urma unui joc de adevar sau provocare,si sub impulsul alcoolului,cei doi pleaca in vacanta.Atunci cand Lacey a planificat aceasta vacanta,credea ca v-a fi o luna de mire perfecta,si int-un final chiar asa a fost,doar ca nu cu cine-si panificase ea.Galen si Lacey reusesc sa treaca peste barierele trecutului,si petrec momente minunate ,pline de paiune si tandrete.Mi-au placut foarte milt.Ei formeaza un cuplu frumos.Mi-a placut cartea,a fost ea cam "subtirica" dar foarte elucidanta.Finalul este unul fericit,si de aceea voi da 5 stele acestei carti. Down for the Count by Christine Bell was the first book of are Dare of Me series and first time reading anything by this author? Lacey Garrity discovers her husband, Marty Clemson, MIA at their wedding reception. When she follows his ringtone to the linen closet, she finds her husband with her best friend/bridesmaid having sex. What should a woman do under this humiliating circumstance? Galen Thomas has been Lacey’s secret crush since childhood and also her other best friend, Cat’s older brother to get her out of there before she breaks down in front of the wedding guests. As Cat deals with Lacey’s mom aka The Admiral, Galen takes her to their family cottage on his motorcycle, where they get drunk and he talks her into going on her honeymoon to Puerto Rico with him.Will Lacey take a chance on her happiness with the man who knows her better than anyone or will she forsake love to keep The Admiral happy?This is a must read and for the “FREE” price tag you will not want to stop at just this one book in the series. I would recommend this to romance readers and already looking forward to reading Cat’s story.

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