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Read ''I Do''...Take Two! (2015)

''I Do''...Take Two! (2015)

Online Book

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''I Do''...Take Two! (2015) - Plot & Excerpts

As Kate had hoped, the pizza rolls and three-dimensional puzzle totally absorbed Tommy. Not just him, she noted with amusement. Travis’s engineering degree and passion for all things mechanical drew him like a moth to the table where Tommy had laid out the puzzle pieces. Travis exercised admirable restraint, however, and confined his input into the construction process to observation and the occasional casual suggestion that a certain piece might fit better somewhere else.
    Kate thoroughly enjoyed the tableau they presented—Travis with his dark hair and square jaw leaning over Tommy of the angel-blue eyes and impish grin while the impossibly angled structure rose inch by inch in front of them.
    Despite his fascination with the puzzle, Travis didn’t neglect his duties as host. He kept everyone supplied with food and drink and contributed to the lively conversation that ranged from Dawn’s humiliating defeat at hide-and-seek to Callie’s visit to the Guggenheim Museum to Carlo’s upcoming participation in a speedboat race in Lake Geneva, Switzerland.

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