Keys To My Cuffs (The Heroes Of The Dixie Wardens MC Book 4) - Plot & Excerpts
Get her drunk. -Life Lesson Loki I watched as Channing made her mouth thin into a deep slash as she gritted her teeth. The physician’s assistant, Ronnie, one of the men I played poker with once a month, was putting a needle in the gash that spanned from her knuckles to the base of her wrist. She’d received it when her hand had struck my badge, splitting open and filleting her hand like one would when they skinned a fish. “You know,” he said as he tied off another stitch. “You can say whatever you want.” On the next placement of the needle, she screamed. “Your mother is a whore!” She screeched. Ronnie froze, and then looked at Channing in disbelief for all of five seconds before he burst out laughing. “You’re going to have to keep me from laughing. You can say anything as long as you don’t make me laugh,”
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