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Read Moon Kissed

Moon Kissed

Online Book

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DL Grant, LLC

Moon Kissed - Plot & Excerpts

The dark-headed wolf he’d seen earlier walked toward him.
Griffin looked to his men and gave a nod. “I wondered if you would accept our help.”
“I told you we would,” Kane said.
Griffin stared at Myles with his green eyes. “I followed Delphine. They’ve taken your woman to a cemetery.”
“Which one?” Myles demanded.
“St. Louis number one.”
Solomon snorted. “Of course. It’s where the Voodoo Queen, Marie Laveau is buried.”
“She’s going to channel Marie,” Kane murmured with a curse.
Myles didn’t take his gaze from Griffin. “Delphine and her people likely heard your call. They’ll be on the lookout for any wolf.”
“Not if some of my men lead them away.” Griffin pointed to a black-haired werewolf. “Jaxon and a small group will cause a distraction for us.”
“And me,” replied the tow-headed teenager. Myles figured he was only about sixteen since he hadn’t filled out yet as weres did in their late teens.
“Colt,” Griffin said with a warning look.

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