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Read Night's Awakening (2012)

Night's Awakening (2012)

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St. Martin's

Night's Awakening (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

This one is about Elena (human) & Guy (Dragon). Elena is caving with her boss, when her boss has an accident and dies. She manages to get part way out before twisting her ankle. Banan, Guy, and Rhys are near by and hear her. They search for the noise and find her. During the climb out she tells Guy that if she falls and dies that she'll haunt him but if she lives she'll kiss him. She lives and the kiss starts feelings in Guy that he shouldn't have. While he fights his feeling for her, she realizes how much she really likes him. Con and the others are worried that she's been sent by humans to destroy them. After believing that she's not going to turn on them, they try to figure out why her boss wanted to cave in their mountain. They talk her into going with them down the cave that her boss died in. They find some cave paintings of dragons and now think her boss or her company wanted more then just to go caving. Even though the others have been told to stay away, Tristan shows up in his dragon form and she sees it. In response, Guy changes to protect her. That's how she finds out about them. She agrees to stay with Guy & bond with him, but after Banan finds something out about her company, she agrees to go back to London and spy for them. They still haven't figured out why the silvers moved, and with the books being so short, I hope this finally comes about. It's dragged on without anything moving along a little too long. "Night's Awakening" by Donna Grant. Book 0.2 (novella) in the Dark Kings series.Excellent second novella installment in the Dark Kings series. Again, as in the first, no "bad guy" in this story but some action never the less and a very good romance storyline.Guy is a Dragon King. A thousand years ago, a King was betrayed by a human woman and because of that, he and the other Kings agreed to use their dragon magic on themselves to never have any heartfelt emotions towards humans. But now, his friend Hal has fallen in love with human and Guy is afraid that the dragon magic is failing. But surely Hal's situation is an anomoly. That is, until Guy meets Elena.Elena is a Gemoligist. She hates going into caves, but that's exactly what she's doing with her boss. After a horrible accident, Elena finds herself rescued by a stranger named Guy...and a few of his friends. Now she's being interogated as to what she was doing on their private property and she has no answers.The story ends with an epilogue that leads right into the next installment of the series "Dawn's Desire." I really enjoyed reading this one. Can't wait to read the next novella. Very excited to read the full length novel "Darkest Flame" in this series, coming out April 2014.

What do You think about Night's Awakening (2012)?

This second novella in this series was just as excellent as the first!

I was so bored I didn't finish

Eh. Another ok one.

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