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Read Pregnant By The Cowboy CEO (2015)

Pregnant by the Cowboy CEO (2015)

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Pregnant By The Cowboy CEO (2015) - Plot & Excerpts

The evening in the park had been amazing, romantic, fun. Everything a first real date should be. And surprisingly, he hadn’t made a move on her other than sliding his arm around her, being a gentleman but undeniably interested in her. She hadn’t felt so mellow and happy in...she couldn’t remember when.
    Was this the real Preston? Was this what they could have had if she’d dated him rather than impulsively leaping into a coat closet with him? God, that night was so surreal now. But they’d actually been together, no denying their impulsive coupling.
    She leaned back against the mirrored wall, just looking at him, soaking in the sight of him. Casual. Approachable. His hazel eyes softened as he held her gaze. Heat flushed through her. Everything felt right. Natural. Could she just indulge for a little while longer and see where it went?
    The high-speed elevator brought them to their floor in record time, the doors opening on the west half of the tower, thanks to the private code they’d keyed in for their room.

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