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Read Prince Of Love

Prince of Love

Online Book

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Prince Of Love - Plot & Excerpts

She’d been on edge and frantic ever since she had woken to find Sorin gone.  He’d left so he wouldn’t be discovered in her room, but now she was growing concerned that he hadn’t come to see her since.
Where are you, Sorin?  “Katrina, you’re making me nervous with your pacing. The storm won’t last long,” Aunt Beatrice murmured over her needlepoint.  Katrina ran to the window and looked at the dark clouds racing toward them. As her gaze scanned the city, a lone rider traveling to the woods caught her eye. She knew instantly it was Sorin.  “Nay,” she whispered as fear took her heart in a tight grip.
Without a word to her aunt, she raced from the solar to the crossed swords hung in the hall. Katrina gripped the pommel of the sword and tugged.  “Lass, what are you doing?” her aunt asked from the doorway.  “I don’t have time to explain. Trust me. I need this sword.” Just then a servant rounded the corner. “I need a horse. Now!” she shouted when the servant didn’t move.  Aunt Beatrice stepped to her side after the servant went running to do as she commanded.

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