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Read Rancher's Deadly Risk

Rancher's Deadly Risk

Online Book

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Harlequin Romantic Suspense

Rancher's Deadly Risk - Plot & Excerpts

she asked, looking toward one of the towering light posts where she was sure she saw a few flakes fluttering down.“It is,” he confirmed. “Just a light flurry, hardly anything at all. It won’t stick.”“This is so cool!” she said, forgetting her upset. “I wish we’d get a lot.”A chuckle escaped him as he unlocked his truck and helped her in. “What’s the rush? We’ll have plenty of winter.”“I want to go cross-country skiing,” she said. “I already have the equipment so now all I need is some snow.”“It might be a while yet but the weather around here has been growing much less arid. The last few years we’ve had more snow than usual, so you might luck out and not need to go up into the mountains to ski.”“Where else would I ski?”“My ranch is a great place. If there’s enough snow.”“No prepared trails?”“Not around here.” He closed the door and walked around to slide in behind the wheel. “Have you ever skied without a prepared trail?” He turned over the ignition and started easing out of the parking lot, avoiding cars and pedestrians.“Of course, but it’s been years.”“I’ve never had the time to give it any thought.

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