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Read Skating Sensation. Rachel Renee Russell (2012)

Skating Sensation. Rachel Renee Russell (2012)

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085707119X (ISBN13: 9780857071194)
Simon & Schuster Children's

Skating Sensation. Rachel Renee Russell (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Nikki is entering a big skating contest, but the costumes go missing! Even though it`s not what they practice, it turns out to be perfect! Zoey, Chloe, and Nikki win the big prize! Brandon, Nikki`s friend, is running the place they are running charity for, Fuzzy Friends, is devastated at the news of the possible closing. That`s why Nikki`s group runs for them. But Christmas isn`t the best turnout. The sweaters they all get are big, and Nikki`s not liking them. And the dinner with her Aunt, she doesn`t like it. Her Aunt still makes her sit at the kiddie table, and Nikki`s 14!! And the Nutcracker`s a disaster, too. Brianna gets on stage, and it`s ruined! Another intermission is asked, but the Maxwell family goes home. Even though it`s not the best season of Christmas, or anything, but at least it`s something for a year full of memories! I thought this book was funny of how girly the characters sounded. The genre of this book is fiction. I really liked how Nikki was willing to do anything for her crush, Brandon. I thought it was cute.Nikki and her friends were going to do make a performance for a charity to win ten thousand dollars, but they didn't know who they could sponsor. Their routine was fine, just that Nikki wasn't such a good skater and they fact that they couldn't find someone to sponsor was a bit more worse. But things took a bit of a twist when her crush, Brandon asked her to help him with some puppies at an animal shelter and obviously she said yes, so when she went with Brandon to help him out, she had such a good time. She later then found out that the owners of the shop were going to close and Brandon was upset. Nikki later then found out why he was so upset, it was because The owners were Brandon's grandparents and if the place closed they would have to move and Nikki wouldn't ever get to see Brandon ever again. So Nikki tried getting her act together to help Brandon out, but when it was close to performance her group's outfits disappeared and they went out as clowns and well ... they ended up doing their routine like clowns and they were falling. The thing is that everyone loved it and they ended up winning the ten thousand dollars for charity. Everything turned out fine for her and Brandon.I thought this was really funny because of Nikki's enemy, MacKenzie, how she was being really prissy and thought she was better because she was "popular". I think a lot of girls can relate to this because there's always that one chick trying to get in between you and your crush , like um no honey booboo child.I liked this book very much and i would rate it a 8.5 out of 10 because it was funny and a pretty decent book. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to have a fun time reading or for fun.

What do You think about Skating Sensation. Rachel Renee Russell (2012)?

I really enjoyed this book it was like a girl version of diary of a wimpy kid

This is a cute book. Nothing more, nothing less. 3 stars out of 5 for me.

I love dork diary's!!!

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