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Read Smoke And Fire: Part 4

Smoke and Fire: Part 4

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Smoke And Fire: Part 4 - Plot & Excerpts

Esther was in another cave next to them.
“Con is on his way back,” Thorn said as he walked up.
Ryder expected as much. “Who called him back?”
“No one. Lily was in Paris picking up a gift for Rhys when she learned what happened here. She went to the airfield and took over as pilot.”
Ryder didn’t blame Lily for telling Con. No, the blame for everything rested squarely on his shoulders. Because love had blinded him to the truth.
How had he missed it? There had to have been clues. Was he so intent on winning Kinsey back that he’d missed something important? How did he tell anyone that? Everyone at Dreagan had counted on him, and he’d failed them.
“What’s your plan?” Thorn asked.
Plan? Ryder wanted to laugh. He couldn’t process anything past the point of Kinsey betraying him. There was an emptiness in his chest where his heart had once been.
He didn’t know what the next step was or even what to say. How could he plan anything?
Dmitri came to stand on the other side of Kinsey, but his gaze was on Ryder.

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