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Read Tales From A Not-So-Graceful Ice Princess (2012)

Tales from a Not-So-Graceful Ice Princess (2012)

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1442411929 (ISBN13: 9781442411920)

Tales From A Not-So-Graceful Ice Princess (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Wow!Oh wow!Nu am citi niciodata aceasta serie considerando prea imatura pentru mine.Am fost nevoita sa o citesc din cauza nepotelei mele care mi-a daruito de sarbatori. Nikki este la fel ca si mine si are multe ghinioane distractive – desigur ,sunt foarte jenante.Dar indifferent ce se intampla niciodata nu renunta.Are o inima mare care arata modul in care are grija de sora sa mai mica – chiar si atunci cand Nikki vrea sa o sugrume pe Brianna – este mereu pregatita sa fie umilita.Rivala ei , Mackenzie este o fata foarte rea.Dar scrisorile sunt importante in carte.Ea este o mica doamna invidioasa , care o pune pe Nikki si prietenii ei in pericol pentru motive egoiste.Nikki este un personaj care a trecut peste toate pericolele puse de Mackenzie si zambit mereu. Tales from a not-so-Graceful Ice Princess is mainly about the main character,Nikki Maxwell, trying to help her friend Brandon by winning the Ice Skating Contest in order to save the pet store before it closes! I really enjoyed this book because Nikki is trying to set a goal she try's hard to get to because she doesn't want to let Brandon down. Throughout the whole story, Nikki goes through good and bad news,conflicts,and much more!

What do You think about Tales From A Not-So-Graceful Ice Princess (2012)?

It was amazing and funny!FluffyKitty#4

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