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Read Tales From A Not-So-Smart Miss Know-It-All (2012)

Tales from a Not-So-Smart Miss Know-It-All (2012)

Online Book

4.28 of 5 Votes: 8
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1442449616 (ISBN13: 9781442449619)

Tales From A Not-So-Smart Miss Know-It-All (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

This book is amazing and I love this book because it helps some of the characters in their issues. I liked this book because Nikki was in the spotlight and people weren't trying to avoid her or make her feel low and also Mackenzie didn't need to steal her part as the spotlight - in the START that is! This book has many twists as well and on of the twists is very cute and romantic. I also liked the way that Nikki was helping solve different characters in the story. Nikki Maxwell is dork in a middle school she doesn't belong in. She comes up with a plan to get closer to her crush, Brandon. She joins the school newspaper to become Brandon's student, but she ends up being the writer for the advice column?!?! While the column is getting more, and more popular she gains nothing. Why? Because no one knows she is Miss Know-It-All! Read this hilarious story on how Nikki manages her crazy at-home life and writing for the advice colum.I love this series because it really shows how hard it is to fit in, and how bullies can totally control your life, if you let them. Nikki doesn't let Mackenzie ruin her life when she almost finds out Nikki is Miss-Know-It-All. Sometimes I can't even imagine Nikki keeps her "cool" sometimes. Her life is not at all pefect, but when Brndon, and her BFF's come to the rescue she always knows "Yeah, I guess it will be alright." I recommend this series to girls who need a good laugh.

What do You think about Tales From A Not-So-Smart Miss Know-It-All (2012)?

This book wasn't the best the series but I still enjoyed it very much!

i love this book

it was awesome

good book

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