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Read Tales From A Not-So-Talented Pop Star (2000)

Tales from a Not-So-Talented Pop Star (2000)

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4.67 of 5 Votes: 4
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Tales From A Not-So-Talented Pop Star (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

I really liked this book. It was easy and fun to read. I would recommed this book to 5th grade up to 8th grade. You can really relate to this book because of the problems and the way she handles things. I believe that all girls would really enjoy this book. I think it is a great book and will keep you laughing every page. The only thing I would change in this book is how it didn't carry one and it just stopped. But you will have to read it to see what you think. This book is pretty good. It was a good book. The only problem was it had to many pages. It didn't make any sense. But, everything else was good. Better than the 1st one. And the 2nd one. It is probably better than all of the books of diaries. If I was one of the other kids, i'd choose this book. It would be good to you. It is the best book in the series. If I was a person who didn't like this book, I'd hate myself. Any thing could make me read this. Even lipstick. ANYTHING! Anything in the world. I bet a teacher would read this. If they had to. Anyone can read this. It's funny. It's funny to me. But, probably not funny to you. It was really funny at the beginning of the story. Funny stuff is my thing. Read the book now. Make yourself useful. Read this book now. It's greater than a sack of M and M's. More books come out. Don't read them. Read the series. The opinion is good. It's great. It's awesome. It's the best book in the whole wide world. So. If you want some comedy, read this book. It's great. Like i said. It's the best book in the world.

What do You think about Tales From A Not-So-Talented Pop Star (2000)?

this dork diary was amazing. It was very fun to read and I hope you will get to read it soon.

I want to read soo bad but have to got to Costco to get it cheap

I thought the book was very interesting

some book


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