talk during sex is illegal. Two days later, Kristen paced the living room floor, waiting impatiently for a knock on her door. She’d called in sick this morning, certain it would bug the hell out of Jason, but seeing no other way around it. She had a plan to set in motion and she needed to take advantage of the opportunity when he’d be tied up at work and she’d be free to execute it. She’d used the time to her advantage, succeeding in the first stage of her plan. As soon as the clock hit five, she’d called Jason and asked if he’d stop by after work to deliver a file. She’d played up the sick card, faking a cough, while pretending she was desperate to work through the illness due to the importance of the case. He’d begrudgingly agreed to come over, though she could tell from his voice he was suspicious…and a bit nervous. Jason had clearly taken her absence today as a bad sign. She smiled. Served him right to spend a few anxious hours worrying. Bastard had left her alone in bed.