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Read The Deptford Mice 3: The Final Reckoning

The Deptford Mice 3: The Final Reckoning

Online Book

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Acorn Digital Press

The Deptford Mice 3: The Final Reckoning - Plot & Excerpts

The Final Reckoning @page { margin-bottom: 5.000000pt; margin-top: 5.000000pt; } THE OTHER CHARACTERS  BARKERA crazy old rat whom Piccadilly befriends, but there is more to Barker than meets the eye.THE BAT ELDERSThese are four wise old bats: Ashmere, wisest of councillors, Ingeld, Consort of the Lady, Heardred, Keeper of the Hidden Ways and Ohthere, Lord of Twilight.THE GREEN MOUSEThe mystical spirit of spring and new life whose power wanes in the autumn and dies when winter sets in.JUPITERThe evil spirit of the hideous sewer cat has returned. He has cheated Death and now wants revenge.KELLYA fat rat with sharp fangs, he only opens his mouth when there is something to put in it.OLD STUMPYA newcomer to the underground regions of the city, no-one, knows where he has come from, but he is stirring the harmless rats to war.ORFEO & ELDRITCHBat brothers who can see into the future, they live in the attic and give confusing advice to the curious.SMIFFA snotty-nosed follower of Old Stumpy and a nasty bully, only he and his mate Kelly know where Old Stumpy has come from.THE STARWIFE An ancient old squirrel who lives under the Greenwich observatory, she possesses the magical Starglass.

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