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Read The Rough And Ready Rancher (2001)

The Rough and Ready Rancher (2001)

Online Book

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The Rough And Ready Rancher (2001) - Plot & Excerpts

Flint roared.
He levered himself to a sitting position. The light of the moon, shining through the part in the curtains, illuminated Jenna’s still form and the thin line of blood trickling down the side of her face. His heart stalled right then and there. He couldn’t tell the extent of her injuries, but clasping her shoulders, he hauled her up into his arms.
“I’m…warning you…McCray—” she took a deep breath “—if this keeps up, I’m going to demand hazardous-duty pay in addition to my regular fee.”
“Did you see or hear someone?” he asked, cradling her to his bare chest.
Her warm breath against his skin sent a shiver snaking down his spine and a fire burning at his gut. Damned if she didn’t feel made to fit his arms. He cleared his throat to get words past the cotton clogging his throat. “Then why did you scream?”
“I have a tendency to do that when people shoot at me.”
“Shoot at you? You mean, you thought…” Relieved, he couldn’t help it.

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