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Read The Tycoon Takes A Wife (2010)

The Tycoon Takes a Wife (2010)

Online Book

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The Tycoon Takes A Wife (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

Just Jonah, with her, both of them hopefully naked very, very soon.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and flattened herself to him. He stumbled back a step and nearly slammed into the kitchen counter.
“Whoa.” He gripped her hips, steadying them both so they didn’t knock off the remaining groceries or tumble to the tile floor. “Let’s slow this down a minute and think things through. I know you’re upset—”
“Damn straight, I’m upset. I’m angry and hurt and confused and want it all to go away. You can fix that for me, so let’s get to it.”
She plastered her lips to his, opened, demanded. The ever-ready attraction between them blazed to life on contact, thank goodness. She welcomed the blissful sensation expanding within her, pushing everything else to the far corners. Less pain.
Total pleasure.
Muscles in his chest and arms twitched and flexed under her searching fingers. “Eloisa, I hear you and I understand. And God knows, I’m more than glad to comply until you’re not able to think or talk, but I also have to know you’re not going to bolt out of here afterward before I even have time to pull on a pair of boxers.”

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