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Read The Widow Of Conard County (2013)

The Widow of Conard County (2013)

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The Widow Of Conard County (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

The paint Sharon had chosen was on back order. Everything, Sharon thought, seemed to be on hold. Liam seemed to have withdrawn in some way, probably because she had kissed him, and she couldn’t exactly blame him. She wanted him, yes, but this was getting a bit heavy for both of them.
    It wasn’t just Chet. No. Liam was still struggling to deal with his changed circumstances, and she was just emerging into a world that needed a whole lot of rebuilding in the wake of Chet’s loss. Rebuilding she had seriously neglected.
    They were a couple of walking wounded, she thought without humor. Liam’s withdrawal exhibited more sense than her own behavior. Except, how was she measuring his withdrawal? Just because he hadn’t tried to kiss her again?
    A little space and a little time on that score would serve them both. She’d been alone too long, and maybe she couldn’t trust her judgment. Although she certainly hadn’t felt even the least spark of interest in any man before Liam’s arrival.

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