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Read The Wizard Of Rondo (2000)

The Wizard of Rondo (2000)

Online Book

3.7 of 5 Votes: 1
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1862917922 (ISBN13: 9781862917927)

The Wizard Of Rondo (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

A very good sequel even though a lot of it seemed like a wild goose chase, almost literally. I enjoyed the end resolution though, and hope that there is another sequel in store. The villain was very scary, although the realization of who that actually is, was very scary. I loved the idea of a snug, wish we had them in this world, and I know my kids would love the snug baths those were awesome. A very good read all in all. This book was definatly the best in the series for me. It had an entracing storyline and I saw that the characters really devolped a relationship with each other which obviously wasnt present in the first book. She really ended the story well unlike the previous book. It ended in a different way then what i expected. I enjoy books that have unexpected twists and turns. It makes it more exciting to read. Emily Rodda did well with this book :)

What do You think about The Wizard Of Rondo (2000)?

Clever and funny; a great follow up after a first best-seller and a rather good read.

Fantastic!!!!!!!!!!Love the hen song!!!!!!

Another one of my favs of Emily Rodda's

It's a very good book!


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