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Read Undercover Hunter

Undercover Hunter

Online Book

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Undercover Hunter - Plot & Excerpts

Snow berms lined the streets from the plows, and lawns lay beneath an icy blanket of white. Holiday decorations, unlit now, hung from the light poles, awaiting the people who would remember to take them down.
    “Do you know where this house is?” she asked.
    Cade nodded. “Near the downtown. The guy next door is the landlord. We’ll get the key from him.”
    If he was home. But she kept that thought to herself. “There’s no one about.” The winter night had fallen a while ago, but it was still early. “Is it always this quiet?”
    “I doubt it, but like I said, I’ve only been here briefly a few times and that was long ago.”
    “So people are hunkering down because of the kidnappings?”
    “Maybe so. Once we talk to Gage we’ll get a better idea.”
    Her eyes never stopped moving as she surveyed the streets, the town she could see, the emptiness that made it seem more like a ghost town.

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