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Read Shaman Rises (2014)

Shaman Rises (2014)

Online Book

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0373803621 (ISBN13: 9780373803620)
Harlequin Luna

Shaman Rises (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

The Shaman thing still annoys, but I so like the way she thinks. She takes the options available to her even if they aren't pleasant.All the "we're behind you, dear" and "we'll be the hero's side-kicks" is bothersome. And her man stands by as she does all this metaphysical stuff. Be manly!But Gary, gotta love Gary."Gary really had taught me the thing that mattered the most. All I had to do was ... believe." p. 332It's done. This is one tough review for this reader to write. I am very sad to see this series end. This may well be the best volume in one of the best series I have ever read. C.E. Murphy deserves high praise for doing the nearly impossible, write a series in which every volume outdoes its predecessor. Murphy knows her readers well, very well indeed.This finale moves along at a blistering and breathtaking tempo. Even Joanne Walker finds herself gasping for breath as the final battle with "the Master" explodes over much of Joanne's beloved Seattle. Somehow, master storyteller Murphy manages to intertwine moments of tender intimacy within the frenetically paced action. She also ingeniously summarizes the major points and moments which took place during the entire series,and brings in and/or back every significant character the reader has met along the way. This is superlative writing by a superlative writer.Along the way, Murphy has proven her knowledge of both Celtic and Native American shamanism as well as mythopoetic/archetypal perspectives and knowledge. She has taken great liberties with that knowledge and has required great suspension of disbelief of the reader, but she has done so so successfully that, in the end it is only the story that matters.I will not give away anything of the ending,except to say that it caught me by surprise and was very gratifying and consistent with the underlying message of the series as a whole.In closing, I want to thank C.E. Murphy for this grand compelling story and for these wonderful characters, who have come to seem like family to me. I do hope I get to visit with them in the future and get caught up on how things are going. Pretty please, Ms Murphy?

What do You think about Shaman Rises (2014)?

I love this series and hated to see it end. I can't wait to see what is next.

It was one hell of a ride, Sad to see the series end.

final book in the series. sad to see it end.

Lost interest somewhere around page 100.

a good ending to a great series.

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