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Read Raven Calls (2000)

Raven Calls (2000)

Online Book

4.15 of 5 Votes: 2
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145922289X (ISBN13: 9781459222892)

Raven Calls (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

The whirlwind pace is getting bit thick. Please, lady, stop to eat and sleep just once. The "I'll fly by the seat of my pants 'cuz that always works out for me, nevermind all the collateral damage to people around me" philosophy is getting a little old by book 7, too. Hasn't she really figured anything out yet? Taken control of some aspect of her magic/psyche? I appreciate the journey, but really she just keeps throwing her puny self against this huge, unfathomably strong foe without having a clue what she's doing and making others come in to save her at great cost.Still great characters, super writing. Fewer stars this time around because there was just way too much going on way too quickly and for too long for my taste. I like action just as much as any other fantasy reader but don't really need it on every page where it never stops and nobody gets a bathroom/food/sleep break ever.On the other hand, it was fun and interesting and I liked getting a look at Joanne's mom and some of her relatives.

What do You think about Raven Calls (2000)?

Loved the Irish setting, symbolism, mythology, and accents!

I love this series, it just gets better with every book :-)

Nice to have the Irish heritage explored.

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