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Read No Dominion (2013)

No Dominion (2013)

Online Book

4.23 of 5 Votes: 2
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1613170300 (ISBN13: 9781613170304)
Miz Kit Productions

No Dominion (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

This is not a standalone story and should only be read for best enjoyment after books 1 - 7 of the Walker papers has been read. This story is Gary's side trip in Raven Calls. I had trepdition in reading it, because Gary is one of the most beloved side characters ever and reading of his loss and heartbreak was almost more than I could bear. But it really was a celebration of his life and his high points and his love. Of how he not really saved Annie, but helped her to save herself. The ending is a little iffy as to what really happened so I have to be patient to hear more especially after Gary's call to Joanne at the end of Mountain Echoes.I can't say I even learned a lot from this story, other than enjoying Gary's POV as we have learned a lot of him and most of this over the course of the Walker Paper books, but at the same time it was all in one place and very enjoyable. We also learned more of 'Horns' and the Hunt. If one is a fan of the Walker Paper series and have a soft spot for the cabbie, Gary, then this will definitely be a fun read. I so enjoy hearing the older protagonists empowered, strong and dynamic. "No Dominion" is a collection of short stories featuring the supporting characters of the Walker Paper series by C.E. Murphy. I found Gary Muldoon ( cab driver, old man, and Jo's sidekick ) to be some one I would like to have fighting side by side with me while battling demi-gods, zombies, and paranormal serial killer. I recommend reading the main series first as there are spoilers from the series in this book. This was my first book, but I am still looking forward reading this series from book one.

What do You think about No Dominion (2013)?

I really enjoyed the novella from Gary's pov, but the rest of the short stories were just ok.

Short stories and a novella with a lot more about Muldoon. Murphy never disappoints.

Definitely need to read this before the last Shaman book.


Actually 4.5 stars...LOVED!

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