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Read An Inconvenient Affair (2012)

An Inconvenient Affair (2012)

Online Book

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An Inconvenient Affair (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

Could life suck any worse? Probably. Since he was only fifteen, he had years under the system’s thumb to find out.
    Hanging around in the doorway to the barracks, Troy Donavan scanned the room for his rack. The dozen bunk beds were half-full of guys with heads shaved as buzz-short as his—another victory for dear old dad, getting rid of his son’s long hair. God forbid anyone embarrass the almighty Dr. Donavan. Although, catching the illustrious doc’s son breaking into the Department of Defense’s computer system did take public embarrassment to a whole new level.
    Now he’d been shuttled off to this “jail,” politely disguised as a military boarding preparatory program in the hills of North Carolina, as per his plea agreement with the judge back home in Virginia. A judge his father had bought off. Troy clenched his hand around his duffel as he resisted the urge to put his fist through a window just to get some air.
    Damn it, he was proud of what he’d done.

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