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Read Hard Time (2014)

Hard Time (2014)

Online Book

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Hard Time (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

If someone had suggested this book to me, boiling it down to an insufficient (but not technically untrue) "it's about this librarian who works at a prison and gets involved with one of the convicts", I would've said thanks, but I'll pass. The last thing any woman needs to be reading is something that puts a positive spin on one of the dumbest phenomenons out there: women falling for guys who are locked up...even actively searching them out. Every time I read an article about some woman doing that (a prime example being that dingbat who just married Charles Manson), I want to scream. I mean, how stupid/desperate/insane do you have to be? So, when a writer I really like took great pains to "sell" me on this book, I bought it, but with very low expectations. And maybe a few eye rolls. Honestly, I felt guilty for even opening it. But then I started to read it. I've never read this writer before...Cara McKenna can write! Nothing too fancy, just simple, straightforward, sexy, thoughtful prose that sucks you in and moves you along like a strong river current. Well written, and well edited. Nothing superfluous. I barely put it down. And hot? That's an understatement. But like the rest of her writing, it's not a flashy kind of hot. More like a very realistic, somewhat cerebral sexy. I loved it. Really loved it. I fully intend to read her other stuff, and I'm hoping it's every bit as good. I struggled with giving it only 4 stars, because it was just that good. But I really try to reserve 5 stars for life-changing books (oh, ok...and my "necessity" authors, like Karin Slaughter and John Sandford). So, let's call it 4.5 stars. I'm recommending this one to all my friends. So what did I think of Hard Time? Well it was a hot and steamy, an enjoyable read of forbidden attraction and a couple dealing with each others past, we have Annie a young librarian who works as an outreach librarian at a prison, a place that she feels extremely uncomfortable in, that is until she sets eyes upon the gorgeous Eric, unfortunately he is not a guard he is an inmate and most definitely off limits.One of Annie's jobs at the prison is dealing with literacy issues and Eric is struggling to write and needs her help which she gladly gives, the attraction that they share is sizzling and even though it could lose her the job she loves Annie starts corresponding with Eric in a series of smoking hot letters.But the obvious problem is the fact he is in prison, what crime did he commit to get there in the first place? This worries Annie, finding out he is due for parole, she finds herself unsure if she wants to continue on to a physical relationship with him especially after her past boyfriend hit her, she does not want to be hurt again both physically and mentallySo I'm not going to spoil the rest of the story for you, but the blossoming relationship between these two is both sweet as well as sexy, they have lots of hurdles to get past, the question is will they go the distance?Hard Time is a great story, my only complaint would be it ended really quickly, I wanted a little more but all in all if you are looking for a new book boyfriend in your life you wont go wrong with the divine Eric.Awarded 4 out of 5

What do You think about Hard Time (2014)?

Loved it. Just the right amount of tension and "should I," / "shouldn't I."

just not into jail house romances. not my cup of tea.

Need to try again some time

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