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Read Burning Desire

Burning Desire

Online Book

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St. Martin's Press

Burning Desire - Plot & Excerpts

Whether Kiril remained behind of his own volition or someone had detained him, it all came down to the fact that he hadn’t returned to Dreagan.
Con didn’t bother to turn from his place at the window at the sound of the quick knock and the door opening. He wasn’t surprised when four Dragon Kings filed into his office.
With the night as black as pitch, it made it easy for Con to see Guy, Tristan, Kellan, and Laith reflected in the window. Con finished off the last of his whisky and faced the group.
“What brings all of you here this late?” he asked.
Kellan’s face twisted angrily. “Cut the shite, Con. You said Kiril was returning. That was hours ago.”
“I know.”
Guy ran a hand through his hair. “You know? Have you heard from him? Because he willna answer me.”
“He’s no’ answering me either,” Con admitted.
Tristan’s dark eyes filled with confusion. “Then why are we just sitting here?”
“My question exactly,” Laith said. “When Rhys finds out, he’ll go to Ireland himself.”

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