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Read Captured By Desire

Captured by Desire

Online Book

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Donna Grant

Captured By Desire - Plot & Excerpts

He grasped the Wendigo’s head and jerked it to the side until she heard the neck snap.Her heart pounded in her chest, ready to burst from her body at any moment from the fear and worry for Cristian. She closed her mouth and watched as he let the creature fall to the ground before moving to her.Tears filled her eyes as relief swept through her. Cristian cut the ropes with his talons before retracting them and becoming once more the man she had come to care greatly about.He took her head in his hands and made her meet his gaze. “It isn’t over.”“What? The Wendigo is dead.”“No. He’s made of magic, Jules. He must be burned to be fully killed, but I want to search the cave first. We don’t have much time though.”She nodded and rubbed her sore arms. Her wrists were raw and bloodied from trying to get free. He helped her to her feet before he moved away from her.As much as she didn’t want to, Jules knew she had to search the corpses for her father. She could no longer deny that it was a distinct possibility the Wendigo had gotten him.She moved from body to body, saying a prayer of thanks that it wasn’t her father after each one.

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